Elder Soutas

Elder Soutas

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Working Hard

Hey everyone!

we had a pretty solid week! Eugenio came to church for all 3 hours as well as the 8 year old baptism afterward! He seemed to enjoy it. I really enjoyed sitting next to him and Sister Rigdon as she translated Spanish for him very well! I really want to learn how to speak spanish and vietnamese now, and also italian. the italian can probably wait though.

we invited Eugenio to baptism OCt 30 but he isn't sure yet. HE needs to do some more of his research. Also, he starts working on sunday in 2 weeks and is a very hard working hispanic.I love him too. I don't know if you all remember Jose who I taught in my first area. Well I've had a little experience trying to teach hispanics so that's good. He actually got baptized a few months ago which was good to hear! 

we taught Eugenio on thrusday night. WE showed up at 7 because we actually found out that his roommate in the trailer he lives in is a member of the church and was baptized in KANSAS. So Jenessa, if there is a jOSE blanco (not to get confused with the other JOse in the previous paragraph mentioned) on record in your ward or zone please transfer them over here to Paris. Jose was dormiendo (sleeping) so we haven't been able to teach him. But, after Sister Rigdon showed up late while we were awkwardly tryin gto communicate to Eugenio. We "kidnapped him" and had a great lesson in the chapel where the carpets just got cleaned and the spirit was pretty strong. Teaching with translation is kind of difficult because it is hard to block out the translation. 

But Eugenio is so awesome. i hope he gets baptized, if not that's okay. He can get baptized when he goes back to HOnduras. 

We didn't get to teach Cam this week unforunately because she got sick. We had a great lesson with her last Sunday and she really wants to learn English. So we are going to kill two birds with one stone and teach her important concepts from the lesson by using pictures/pictrionary that I will have Elder Durrant our district leader draw for us since he is talented at that. I am really excited for that idea the holy ghost probably gave me and anxious to see how it will work. I don't care if she barely knows english, we are going to baptize her!.. if the lORd wills it (:We  most likely will meet with her  this week and invite her to baptism so I'll update you all on her next email.
She is so so sweet! she is very kind. She is 24 years old and is just so innocent it seems. she really humble and wants learn. She lives with her roommate Chi who is also from Vietnam. She also has a few other friends in town that are Vietnamese. She has kind of a silly personality. 

brent is doing okay. HE came to church, but his progression is slowing. He needs to repent more and read the scriptures more!!! ger. Change is hard. This week I decided that to help with Brent and his habit we will give up a habit for a day and then for a week just so we can see what it is like to have an addiction. I am going to not leave the dishes in the sink after I eat, pick up my clothes off the floor and keep it that way (sorry MOm I still struggle with that) and no longer brush my teeth after companionship study so we can leave the apartment sooner. You'll have to follow up with me.

Well it was a great week. I'm glad Jenessa is doing awesome! I fasted for her so there ya go. way to go BYU. Ruby is so adorable. I save all of those pictures you send me. And also, I actually have a few pictures to send you for once! Sorry they're not the best though. 

It's really neat being out at the same time. I am glad for the principle of repentance as I am studying that lately. It feels good to repent and I know that it is a true principle because when I don't repent it is so annoying and feels like you are powerless. But I believe the atonement allows us to be saved on conditions of repentance which is possible through that enabling power. So we should all repent! REPENT YE I SAY, REPENT. haha jk. IN the words of D. Todd, "When we speak of repentance we should have a smile on our faces." 

Have a good one,

Elder Soutas

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