Elder Soutas

Elder Soutas

Monday, June 20, 2016

Surviving the heat

 Elder Soutas at the Caves

fyi; some of what I've written may seem our of context because i sent some of it to my mission president and then copied and pasted it to save time: 

P-day was fun last monday. We went to devil's ice box and explored the cave there. It was cool, literally. it felt really good to get out of this crazy humid place. I've never sweat so much but it really doesn't bother me for some reason. It's weird. It's supposed to get worse though. I am still so shocked that Jenessa is coming to Independence. There's a few people in the ward who are from there. I wonder if the new jerusalem is to be built pretty soon. That would be convenient since at least half of the family won't have to travel as far! 

We taught a man named Alan this week who ridiculed us for saying that we believed we could become like god. He and Elder Russon got into a good bash. I tried to stay out of it.

We still have Tom on date for his birthday which is July 15th. Unfortunately we haven't been able to get much contact with him this week (we had a little) and were unable to meet with him because he is working 2 jobs right now and working from 10am-12pm. This week he should be only working one job from now on. We hope this week we will get to meet with him because he said he was set on being baptized and really likes the church. I'm glad that the whole God winks thing helped you guys out and you felt it inspiring. i honestly couldn't think of what to write home and that's all I could think of so I'm glad it meant something to you all. 

We met with Isaiah at a member's home for dinner and shared a good message, but perhaps we should have geared it more towards baptism. Elder Russon said that before I got here they were inviting and inviting him to baptism, but he kept saying he wasn't sure yet because he isn't sure if he loves God or not. He has come to church a couple of times but only for 1 hour and says he is always needed at home for something else since it's the only time he gets to be with his mom becasue she works a lot. We can't seem to get that darn kid to mutual. He and Elder Russon were texting back and forth this weekend and Isaiah says he doesn't want to come to church anymore so we will see what happens with him. He has gained a lot though from meeting with us because initially he was not in a good state of mind. if we could somehow help him see how much he has progressed. 

. We met with Jason twice this week.  We've been trying to get him to pray about Joseph Smith and the Book of Mormon but he hasn't done it yet because he feels like that is not his position to do that. He believes that Joseph Smith is a prophet and he thinks that is enough and that he doesn't need to pray about it or the book of mormon. Jason did come to church though this week with his 7 year old son which is the first time he has come since being taught clear back in march!
So he showed a little progression kind of. We definitely need to invited him to be baptized and if he won't commit I'm not sure if we should keep teaching him or not. 

We had quite a few other lessons with people this week but were unable to set up a specific return appointment to count them as investigators, but there is some good potential. We taught a nonmember at a dinner appointment, but didn't get a return appointment with her. She will be YSA. We found an RLDS guy who is nice, a man who was super friendly to us and had a good discussion about what it takes to be saved. He said we could come by anytime, a super nice muslim guy named Yousef. We also have had a few member referrals, two of which have great friendships to people in the ward (Hejin and Dave) and the Mannion family. We have just been unable to set anything up although the Mannions want to feed us. So we have great potentials so we will see.  

Meeting with Less Actives is especially hard in this area I've found. We do have great support from the ward and we try to visit them with the members. It also didn't help this week that I lost my wallet (I always lose things) so we couldn't use the bus ever. I don't know where it is because the only time I ever take it out is when I get on the bus or buy something. The bus system says they don't have it though so hopefully it turns up soon. someone stole one of our bikes just outside of our apartment where we left it--which Elder Russon informs me doesn't belong to the mission and was already there. He said that they never locked up the bikes in the past. and was surprised that someone took it. So I don't know whose it is and if I'm supposed to pay for it or not. Yep, I am aware now that the WHB says to always lock your bikes; it honestly never occurred to me to lock it up when we park it by our back window of the apartment, but now I know better and plan to lock it always. For now I will b e sporting a red beach cruiser 🚲. The kickstand on it is broke and so yesterday I had to tie it with a shoelace to another part of the bike to keep it from dragging in thie asphault. 

Our two member presents were Isaiah and two new investigators we met with yesterday named Adam and Nick. We ran into them the first day I got here and were finally able to touch base with them. Their roommate is a returned missionary from Bowling Green, MO and is kind of less active though. They have learned lots of things about the church from him though. Adam does believe in God, but Nick is skeptical, but he seems to enjoy talking about the possibility of there being a God. He has a had a lot of tragedy in his family. I see good things happening with these two guys though. The only thing that could be a hinderence is that they are video game addicts.

I read a cool talk by Elder Uchtdorf called "Receiving a Testimony of Light and Truth". In it, he compares light and truth to our knowledge of the expanse of the universe. just a 100 years ago people thought there was no life beyond our galaxy and people thought you were crazy. Also if you were to tell people who lived 1000 years  of inventions we use today they would think you were coo coo for cocoa puffs. But that doesn't mean that it's not true. "But of course, these people would be completely mistaken. They might be well-meaning and sincere. They might feel absolutely positive of their opinion. But they simply would not be able to see clearly because they had not yet received the more complete light of truth."They just had a limited perspective. Today of course we know there are innumerable stars and galaxies because we have the tools and means to have this knowledge like Hubbel telescope. Likewise, we have the restored gospel and prophets, apostles, and personal revlatiion, and the book of mormon so that we can use these tools that god has given us to broaden our perspective of light and truth. 

watch this awesome video. I wish I could watch it but Idon't have headphones.

TALK TO EVERYONE. You are a Good Samaritan who in the parable is a represenation of Christ, and YOU as a missionary are a representative of Christ, therefore you should never let an opportunity pass by to talk to people who are spiritually wounded and kept fromt he truth, and need spirtually healing!

Sorry that last part was sent to someone else and I copied an pasted it but it can apply to everyone. 

I hope you all have a great week! Sorry if my email was lame. I'm just not used to not getting as much time to email as I usually do. Because I don't just email. I like to read things on lds.org and stuff.

Love you!

Elder Soutas

P.S. Happy Birthday Mom and Happy Father's day DAd! I do have somethign for both of you but it is to share, and I haven't sent it yet because I have no money or a wallet so it will come late. 

 Elders Sagers and Spackman

Elder Soutas, Lazaro, and Solis
 The stair to the top

Top of the Cave

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