Elder Soutas

Elder Soutas

Monday, January 18, 2016

Hi Mom,

Sounds like you had a great week. Things here in Springfield are doing pretty well. It's been a little tough adjusting to new companion, new people, new area and such. But I'm bit my bit adjusting. 

I like the grape and jalpeno analogy. I put it in my scriptures. Something that I learned from the scriptures this week is to not let Satan use your weaknesses against you. I was reading in Alma 11 about Zeezrom offering Amulek 6 onties of silver. Amulek as we know was a very wealthy man. It had to have been a lot of money because if it wasn't then Amulek wouldn't have been enticed since he had acquired many riches. Like Amulek, we need to recognize that we have weaknesses, but we shouldn't make excuses to not do things just because we have a particular weakness. 

The other day we found out for Zone Leadership training Elder Petersen and I are going to be doing a musical number, Savior Redeemer of My Soul. We've been practicing quite a bit, which has taken some stress  off my shoulders. I got the arrangement from one of the members named Amy in my last area who was thoughtful enough to give it to me. She knew it was my favorite song so that was really nice of her. 

On Sunday, 2 of our investigators unexpectedly showed up. The Allens. They've been to church several times, and have met with missionaries off and on in the past.  (our ward mission leader and his wife) have done a great job fellowshipping them. Yesterday the Flarhetys and us ate fried turkey at the Allen's house. It's weird, Brother F  looks like Uncle Kelly, and he is a dentist too! 
During the sacrament on Sunday, I was praying what I can do better. Elder Lawrence from the "What Lack I Yet" talk said to ask "what lack I yet" during the sacrament. I didn't really feel an answer come then and there. But later, Elder Petersen said that I need to be more loud and talkative since I am "kind of a reserved guy", so I guess maybe that's what I am lacking??

Cool news..so we are teaching a family . They are a family who was introduced to the church in Deer Valley ski resort in Utah. The family who introduced them to the church is from Califronia and they have been emailing back and forth about the church and BYU  But anyways, the whole family is on board, pretty much knows the gospel is true. They emailed their friend in California saying "so when can we get sealed as a family?" How exciting! it makes our job so much easier when there are people like that. . They took the initiative in calling us and wanting to meet with us 3 times this week! We found that out yesterday. Originally it was just going to be this coming Sunday. It almost sounds too good to be true..

Oh and yeah I can't wait to see all of the lincoln stuff. Didn't get to yesterday. Yesterday was one of the funner pdays that I've had. First time I've got to play a game of basketball in a long while. My whole distrcit likes basektball so that's good. Also, the other Elder Petersen is really good at piano and we wheeled one of the pianos from the relief society room to the primary room where we did like a duet type of thing. It was pretty sweet. 
And about all of the Abraham Lincoln stuff, while talking to Sister Morgan on the phone yesterdray, I told her about "The Lincoln Hypothesis." She was way excited because she read "The Covenant" by Timothy Ballard. I told her that the book talks a lot about the covenant, and now she is really excited to read it. You really need to meet her somehow. She is an amazing lady. Wouldn't be surprised if she becomes a general young women's/relief society president some day. she's way cool. During conferences, she always says "Hi family" and in response we all say "Hi Mom." She's very great and supportive and of course President Morgan is too. They both are great. 

Well I've got to go. Love you all. I know Christ lives

Elder Soutas

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