Elder Soutas

Elder Soutas

Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Merry Christmas!

Hello family!

It's been a pretty good week I think.

These last couple of weeks we've really been trying to get this Christmas CD done! it turned out okay. Not close to professional, but good enough. For the Christmas initiative "Jesus worshipped through song and so can you" we decided we would delay getting the CD out and instead have members of the branch participate in making the CD.  So, we went to the church on mutual night, and after I taught a piano lesson to Sister Bingham's kid, Sister Bingham played a lovely harp solo of "Come thou fount".  Not a Christmas song, but it was too great not to put on the Cd. Then we remembered that Brother Griggs does gigs with his guitar and has an awesome song called "In Bethlehem" so we had him put on the CD. We also had our branch president's wife, Sister Wells record her version of "What child is This?"  We had a couple of the youth participate, and it turned out pretty great!  Now I 've just got to figure out how to mass produce this thing. I'm not sure how to put it in the right format. It's really frustrating since I am trying to send them to people for Christmas, as well as give them to people; hoping to bring people into the church.  Hopefully it will work

Other than that, this week, we've still been trying some other ways to find people to teach, although we found no one this week. I think in part to using our time inefficiently. I've been pretty terrible at that lately.
We tried going to our investigator's wedding, a less active's funeral. All great ways to find people but we just felt so awkward there and I didn't know how to bring up the gospel to people in those types of situations. 
At least we are trying though.

My new companion is Elder Burgoyne. I think he is great. He is an amazing  scherrenschnitter. Google that to figure that out. We made in awesome scherrenshnitte of the salt lake temple (well he did) while I did weekly planning which took hours upon hours. 

(Jen's note: I looked it up Scherrenshnitte is intricate paper cutting similar to this)

Dusty is doing pretty well this week. She has fought off some temptations and anger with her family. She is getting close to her baptism. I'm still not so sure if she's quite there yet though. She likes to tease me a lot. She calls me ornery and is going to apparently make me a new name tag that says ornery on it. She is the one who's ornery. 

We got new district members. Elder Williams from Blackfoot, ID, and a new missionary, Sister Anderson from Sandy, UT. Alta High School.

Also, we had a cool lesson with Chanh. He is so excited to pray! Christianity is new to him, but he asked us if he could pray before he goes to bed. Ee said YES! Also, today we found out that our zone leader's branch president speaks Vietnamese so we will see if we can work something out! Chanh is so cool. 24 years old. Very teachable, and child-like. He gave us a present from Vietnam- some kind of magnet doll thing. it was something special to him. he is excited to come to church! 

I feel like I have learned how to be pretty patient on my mission. I don't really get mad at people anymore. Also I've learned to not be so judgmental. I'm not going to lie, it has been pretty hard lately. A lot of days I have a hard time feeling the spirit but I just keep trying and trust that things will work out for the best. and the more I focus on other's problems than my own things go better. 

look forward to chatting on Christmas!


Elder Soutas

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